Vision Kids Brand Story
Vision Kids wants to support the dreams of all children.
Through the lens of the camera, children will feel their world full of originality and infinite possibilities.
Dedicated to art and design, our revamped Vision Kids range of products hopes to inspire kids for the future.
Vision Kids was established in Hong Kong by designer Miyuki Nakaniida to provide children with dreams and a sense of fun as a company specializing in the planning, development and sales of digital cameras and mobile phones suitable for children. I was.
All products are developed with the primary focus on being safe and fun to use, mainly as an educational tool for young people. Even now, new products are being developed every day in the planning room.
Vision Kids has the following three corporate beliefs.
First, develop products that are original, educational, and engaging.
Second, strict financial management.
Thirdly, we will strive to improve and develop products by incorporating customer feedback into product development.
We are always striving to provide high-quality products designed in Japan.
It is my greatest encouragement that the children who receive Vision Kids can feel our spirit of Yamato and have fun.
VisionKids believes that kids should enjoy the freedom to dream and dream big, and that through the lens of a camera, they can explore the world of endless possibilities from a new perspective – a new vision. With our innovative products empowered by state-of- the-art technologies, we are dedicated to unleashing children's imagination and creativity that helps them dream up a better future.
Founded by Japanese designer Nakaniida Miyuki, VisionKids is a start-up specialising in the production and distribution of digital cameras and engaging gadgets for kids. With a presence in Hong Kong and Tokyo, we have been inspiring children with a wide variety of fun educational products that help develop their core skills.
Putting children at the center of everything we do, we pursue sustainable growth by adhering to three major principles:
1. to develop creative, educational and engaging toys;
2. to adopt stringent financial controls;
3. to listen to our customers and develop an effective feedback system for product improvement.
Our Mission
With the Japanese “Yamato Damashii” spirit (“Yamato Damashii”) in mind, we are committed to developing toys that meet the highest safety and quality standards so that more children can enjoy and be inspired by these stimulating creations.
Brand history
由日籍設計師Nakaniida Miyuki創立的VisionKids,專門製造及分銷為兒童而設的數碼相機及電子產品,並透過香港及東京的業務網絡,為孩子帶來寓教於樂的新穎產品,協助他們培養重要的技巧, 以各種有趣的教育產品激勵孩子們,有助於發展他們的核心技能。
VisionKids一直將孩子放在首位,並恪守三大原則,不斷向前, 追求可持續發展:
1. 研發富教育性的有趣創意玩具;
2. 遵循嚴謹的財務控制;以及
3. 聆聽客戶意見,並建立行之有效的回饋機制,在產品設計上精益求精。